
The Self Help Center was created to assist people in the community, who wish to represent themselves in court.

The role of staff in the Self-Help Center is to provide basic, procedural information. They can not advise you what to file or how to proceed in a case, and can not provide any form of legal advice. They can provide information on other resources in the community or throughout New Mexico. Please be courteous and patient to staff and respect the limits on what they are able to do for you.

  • They CAN give you court-approved forms, some forms might not be available for all legal issues.
  • They CAN answer questions about what is being requested on a form.
  • They CAN tell you what certain legal words mean.
  • They CAN give you information on a court case unless it is not available by law.
  • They CAN give you general information on court rules, procedures and practices.
  • They CAN give you court calendars and information on how to schedule a hearing.
  • They CAN give you information about how to act in the courtroom.
  • They CANNOT recommend an attorney but can give you a listing of all the practicing local attorneys.
  • They CANNOT tell you what to say in court.
  • They CANNOT give you an opinion about what will happen with your case or what the judge might do.
  • They CANNOT give you advice about whether you should file a case or whether you should take any particular action in a case.
  • They CANNOT talk to the judge for you or let you talk to the judge.
  • They CANNOT create documents or fill in forms for you.
  • They CANNOT give any legal advice.

Remember, court staff are only allowed to provide basic, procedural information. The information provided by court staff is not a substitute for legal advice. It is recommended that you consult with an attorney before representing yourself. If you choose to represent yourself in court, you will be held to the same standards as a lawyer and will be expected to know the law and legal procedures.

Self-Help Center Hours of Operation

Alamogordo (By Walk-In)

1000 New York Ave.
Alamogordo, NM 88310

Monday – Friday 08:00am – 05:00pm
Phone: 575-437-7310, ext. 146 or 147

Carrizozo (By Appointment)

300 Central Ave.
Carrizozo, NM 88301

For Appointment: 575-437-7310, ext. 146 or 147
Carrizozo District Court: 575-648-2432

Ruidoso (By Walk-In)

101 Service Rd.
Ruidoso, NM 88345

Wednesday 09:00am – 03:00pm
Phone: 575-378-7022